Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is Your Shampoo "J00 Shampoo"?

I was doing the annual washing of my waist length hippy hair when I realized something: if the J00z are behind everything, they must be behind my shampoo too. This was a very disappointing revelation, as I could not wash my hair anymore unless I did it with soap, and I would have to wash my hair with Irish Spring being as the Irish are immune to thought controlling J00 rays.

I researched this subject some more on the internet, and found some disturbing things. I can not provide the links because the websites are down, and I assume it's because the IDF has raided the publishers of the websites and churned them into a sort of creamy Anti-Zionist cheese. Which I expect will be available in stores shortly.

Here is how you can know if your shampoo is J00 shampoo:

1. It is Chunky - Chunky J00 shampoo is chunky because it is made from the flesh of the innocent.

2. You Notice Money Missing From Your Wallet - J00 shampoo will attempt to get your money and buy things like dreidels and mennorahs.

3. Your Shampoo Tries To Murder Your Conditioner - J00 shampoo can't live in harmony with Palestinian conditioner (how to tell if your conditioner is Palestinian is the subject of another article)! Even though Palestinian conditioner is living peacefully, with the exception of blowing up shampoo's women and children, J00 shampoo still wants to stick to it to the conditioner.

Daily Kos Run By Jooz

Well, I tried to bring DailyKos the light about the J00z, because they hardly ever post about them except to convince people that Barack Obama doesn't hate the J00z (haha Kos nice try but all us brave Anti-Zionists know the truth about this valiant man).

Here are a few comments of mine that they deleted under my username, BarackHatesJ00z:

BarackHatesJ00z: The J00z want to control us all with J00 mindbulbs!

BarackHatesJ00z: Know the truth and it shall set thee free! The J00z are why toilets overflow, they want to make your bathrooms stinky with poop!

BarackHatesJ00z: A vote for Barack is a vote against teh evil capitolist J00z! Vote Barack!

BarackHatesJ00z: My fellow supporters of brave J00 hater Barack Obama, I had a nightmare last night, red J00z with forked tails were chasing me, their legs were made of dollar bills, instead of eyes there were quarters, and they were all carrying copies of the devil's book, Talmud.

BarackHatesJ00z: When brave J00 hater Barack wins does that mean we can kill all the Zionists? We can accuse them of racism.

BarackHatesJ00z: Barack hates J00z!

Do not go to dailykos, they will silence us like the J00 run police force does when they force us to wear clothes and not look into ladies windows while they're changing.

Saddam Hussein: Agent of Mossad?

Recently the question was posed, what does the United States unlawful invasion and subsequent murder of so many brave radical Muslim Anti-Zionists have to do with Israel?

I thought about this, knowing that all military actions taken by the US is only done because of the Zionists in control, and I believe I've figured it out.

Saddam gassed his own people, right? Well, they were Muslim Anti-Zionists, right? And then he tried to make the world believe he had WMDs, which resulted in the US invasion and slaughter of innocent Anti-Zionists. See where I'm going here?

"Well", you say, "I also am a brave Anti-Zionist who knows the J00z control everything including the US which is its puppet regime, but Saddam was caught and executed." That's what THEY want you to think! You silly piece of crap weak minded fool. Do I have to tell you everything??

I was watching Israeli run Fox (I had a Ron Paul speech on tape running so as not to be influenced by their Zion propaganda), and they were doing a hit piece on fellow J00 hater Barack Obama. Well, they were filming in Hartsdale, New York, where they were talking to different agents of Zion who were expressing their support for secret Israeli John McCain. One person in particular looked EXACTLY like Saddam Hussein! Here is how the interview went:
Reporter: "Hi sir, how do you feel about expressing support for John McCain, are you worried of any backlash?"
Saddam: "I love this McCain! He loves Israel! I'm not Saddam Hussein!"

That was all I needed. Obviously, Saddam Hussein is an agent of Mossad who gassed his own people because they support the brave Palestianians, then he pretended to have WMDs so the US would invade, and now he's living in Hartsdale, NY, probably under the name of Joe Johnson. After I write this I'm going to look up all Joe Johnsons in Hartsdale and harass them.

Kosher Foods are Poisoned With LSD!!!

Recently I decided to research Kosher foods. My findings were shocking.

Yesterday I went to my local supermarket and found that they carried Hebrew National hotdogs. Well, this obviously means that Crest Supermarket is an agent of Zion and probably owned by Jo000z, which is why I grow my own produce and slaughter my own meat. Anyways, I told the checker that I did NOT want my money to support the Zionist regime so I asked her if she'd just let me have the hotdogs. I was hoping she was sympathetic to our cause, my brothers. She was not, she said I'd have to pay for them. I saw her eyes turn blood red for a split second and knew she must be a J00. So I had to go home and look for change in my couch. I found less than I thought I would, which means a money hungry J00 had broken into my house and robbed me. But I found enough, and bought the hotdogs.

The first thing I did was get one out, cut off a small piece, and bury the rest of them in the park in the middle of the night. I wasn't comfortable having them in my house, I have heard that j00 hotdogs go rancid in less than an hour and you can't get the smell out no matter what.

So I put the hotdog piece in my mouth and carefully chewed it, wondering if this is what Palestinian tastes like. Within MINUTES after having swallowed, I began seeing very strange colors, and hearing unusual sounds. I began hallucinating, I saw horned J00z dancing all around me, and this caused my bowels to release. For the next several hours I went on a trip that I hope NEVER happens again! I began speaking another language and began realizing it was the devil language of Hebrew. I said words like meshugenneh and latke and oy vey. I went outside and tried to sell things in my house for unreasonable prices. I joined a local community organization and tried to take it over so I could enact the agenda of Zion.

It was the most harrowing experience of my life! My fellow brothers and sisters, this is a warning to you to stay away from Kosher foods of all kinds! If your supermarket sells them, maintain at least a 5 foot distance. I consider myself the stuntman for our cause, so I took the risk. I'm glad to say it wore off and I am now once again a member of the resistance! But you may not be so lucky. Please remember my sacrifice, and spread the word about Kosher foods!