Saturday, October 18, 2008

Daily Kos Run By Jooz

Well, I tried to bring DailyKos the light about the J00z, because they hardly ever post about them except to convince people that Barack Obama doesn't hate the J00z (haha Kos nice try but all us brave Anti-Zionists know the truth about this valiant man).

Here are a few comments of mine that they deleted under my username, BarackHatesJ00z:

BarackHatesJ00z: The J00z want to control us all with J00 mindbulbs!

BarackHatesJ00z: Know the truth and it shall set thee free! The J00z are why toilets overflow, they want to make your bathrooms stinky with poop!

BarackHatesJ00z: A vote for Barack is a vote against teh evil capitolist J00z! Vote Barack!

BarackHatesJ00z: My fellow supporters of brave J00 hater Barack Obama, I had a nightmare last night, red J00z with forked tails were chasing me, their legs were made of dollar bills, instead of eyes there were quarters, and they were all carrying copies of the devil's book, Talmud.

BarackHatesJ00z: When brave J00 hater Barack wins does that mean we can kill all the Zionists? We can accuse them of racism.

BarackHatesJ00z: Barack hates J00z!

Do not go to dailykos, they will silence us like the J00 run police force does when they force us to wear clothes and not look into ladies windows while they're changing.

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